A Fresh Start

     Hey everyone! It's Diamond from AG Dolls and Fun. Amethyst and I decided to start our own blog: World of AG Dolls. Since the last time I posted on AG Dolls and Fun, I have had a few exciting things happen. I have gotten two Our Generation dolls, one named Danielle, and one named Jade. I got Maryellen(Ellie) for Christmas, and the Our Generation Camper. Amethyst made us a dollhouse out of a bookcase, but our dolls will soon be moving to a different house. I will post a room tour before and after. Now Amethyst will say a few words.

     Hello, hello, hello! And WELCOME to our blog and world of dolls. Oh say can you say we LOVE dolls. Okay so, I'm the goofy one just in case you didn't know. While Diamond is the more say,  sensible one. Yeah, she has her head on straight, mine is a little crooked, well, maybe a lot crooked. Diamond thinks some might believe mine is "gone". We'll just let everyone make their own decisions on that. Now to dolls and beyond ..... Oh wait, no just dolls....

Hmmmm........should this be all we do for our intro?      Hmmmmm,

Well, we could do a little introduction(for those whom didn't read previous blog) of our dolls
Plus we have a few new dolls too. You can read more about each doll on the Our Dolls page.


Aubrey MAG #23
McKenna GOTY 2012
Julie HC 1974
Lexi (Saige) GOTY 2013
Isabelle GOTY 2014
Ivy HC 1974
Tori MAG #55
Amber MAG #61
Grace GOTY 2015
Ellie(Mary Ellen) BF 1954
Caroline HC 1812


Danielle OG
Jade OG
Chloe Corolle
