Lexi's (second)First Post

     Hey. Does anyone remember me?  I was a writer for AG Dolls and Fun. Since this is my first post on this blog, I thought that I would look at my first post on my old blog. I thought that it was interesting to see how far I've come. Here is my first ever post:
     "Hi I'm Lexi. I love horses and art.  I want to do a segment about picture review. So, That's me."

      I still love horses and art. I still want to continue LPR (Lexi's Picture Review).  I generally post more for an ending than just "so, that's me." I have an older sister named Tori. My best friends are Izzy and Carrie. I have three pets, Sam, Lacey, and Gingerbread. I am from New Mexico. I am excited for American girl to add new items so I can review them. Well, my paint is about to dry up. So, I'd better go
