Grace's Journal Entry


     Today, we are settled into our new house. A couple of the rooms aren't finished yet. Carrie doesn't have a bed yet. We don't have a kitchen or bathroom. Ellie's room will relocate soon. Our couch is only half upholstered! (Diamond here - I ran out of duct tape while making the couch!! 😳Whoops!!) It's kinda crazy. I mean, we don't have a kitchen and Thanksgiving is three days away.How will that work? Ellie is surfing the web. Tori and Amber are chatting about Thanksgiving. I now share a room with them and I am sitting on the lower bunk below them. Izzy is sewing. She is actually starting to like me. Lexi is drawing while talking to Caroline. Jade is practicing for a guitar recital, and Julie is listening. Aubrey, Ivy, and McKenna are watching a movie. My BFF Dani hasn't been over here yet. She's been busy with homework. Speaking of homework, I have a project due tomorrow. Bye!!!
