Grace's Journal Entry No. 2


      Hello, and welcome to Grace's Journal! I am adjusting much better to our new house than the last time I posted. As you all know, Diamond got Lanie. I think Lanie is a great addition to our doll family. I know she is much better than Lea. Why would anyone want to replace me as GOTY. I mean, AG totally copied my story. I went to a foreign country, Lea goes to a foreign country.(That's not exactly "copying" Grace.) I really hope getting Lanie means we won't get Lea. Lea thinks she's soooooo great. 

      Anyway, moving on, Christmas is coming up. I am really hoping for two things: one, that Diamond won't get Lea, and two, I want a new journal. I just got this one, and I have already almost filled it up. I'd better go, so I won't fill this up before Christmas.

