Lea's Dog Walking Business

(Told in Lea's POV)

One day, I was browsing the AG website. "I really need to figure out a way to earn some money," I said aloud.

Truffles whined a little.

"Oh Truffles, I need to take you for a walk. I will as soon as I think of a way to earn some money."

"I know! I can walk my sister's dogs!" 

I walked into our living room. Aubrey and McKenna were watching a movie. "Would you like me to walk your dogs? I'm starting a dog walking business," I asked.
"I could help a sister out," McKenna shrugged.
"Sure," Aubrey agreed.
I took their dog's leashes and headed to the next room.

"Would either of you like me to walk your dogs? It will only cost ten dollars." I asked my sisters.


I grabbed the leashes and headed out the door.

The dogs were cooperative.

Until, they apparently smelled something and ran off.

"Wait!" I cried after them. I sniffled. "What am I going to do? My sisters would be so sad if they found out I lost their beloved dogs.

Thankfully, my loyal little Truffles stuck by me.

"What would I do without you sweetie?" I asked Truffles.

Truffles called Lacey back. "Thank you Truffles!"

"Oh Lacey. Where were you and the others going?" I asked her.

"Arooo!" Truffles called.

He sniffed the grass. 

I thought Truffles wanted me to follow him. "What is it buddy? Do you know where the others went?" I asked.

We walked for a bit, and then found Coconut. "Yay! Coconut! Good girl!"

"Thank goodness I found all three of you. Will you help me find the others?"
"Woof!" The three dogs said in unison. I assumed that meant yes.

"C'mon. Let's go!" I called to the doggies. We searched for the others. It felt like hours. I was beginning to loose hope. "What if the others are gone for good. What will I tell my sisters." I plopped on the ground. Truffles licked me. It was like he was saying "It will be OK." I patted him on his head. "I love you Truffles." Truffles had managed to motivate me to find the others. I loved Truffles so much. I don't know what I would do without him. I couldn't let that happen to my sisters. I got up to find the missing dogs.

Before long, I found Cooper. "Thank goodness. I'm so glad I found you."

He leaped up to my. 

I grabbed his leash, and hurried to find the others.

Soon, I found Gracie.

Sam wasn't far behind.

"Yes, Good dogs. Thanks for coming back." I gripped their leashes tightly, I certainly wasn't going to take any chances now. I headed home, grateful that I had found the pets.

I returned home and returned the pets to their owners. 

"You were gone for a while. Was everything alright?" Lexi asked me.

 I quickly thought up an explanation. "Yeah, everything was fine," I started. "I decided to take the dogs on an extra long walk for my first time walking them."
"So, no extra payment, right?" Izzy asked.
"No, of course not," I told her. I glanced at Truffles, and I could have sworn he winked back at me.

Do you walk your dogs?


  1. This story was super funny! Great job!
    ~ Taryn


  2. I love this photostory! It was so cute! Glad Lea found all the dogs again. :)


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